Gleadless Primary School

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Hollinsend Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12 2EJ

0114 239 6130

Gleadless Primary School

We are Determined, We are a Team, We are Respectful, We have Self Belief, We Care, We Have a Voice.

Curriculum Overview - Y6

Here you can see the curriculum coverage throughout Year 6. You can see how the Learning Challenge Curriculum is broken down termly and taught through three key drivers:

Autumn Term - Geography driver

Spring Term - History driver

Summer term - Science driver

Below is also the plan for each term, with the knowledge and skills that children will acquire through each area of the curriculum. For more information on how the curriculum is taught in a particular year group, please speak to the class teacher. They will be happy to tell you more!

Check out the photographs below of our Learning Challenge Curriculum in action in Y6. You can see that we are having fun in our immersive learning, and that we aim high in the work we produce in our 'proud books'!

Long Term Yearly Overview

Medium Term Knowledge and Skills Progression

Summer Term Curriculum Video

Here you can watch Mrs Holdaway introducing the learning for the Summer term. This will help to explain the learning journey in Year 6, so that you can discuss this and support your child at home.