Gleadless Primary School

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Hollinsend Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12 2EJ

0114 239 6130

Gleadless Primary School

We are Determined, We are a Team, We are Respectful, We have Self Belief, We Care, We Have a Voice.

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section.

All Co-opted and Parent Governors serve a 4 year term, unless otherwise specified.  All Associate Governors have no voting rights unless otherwise stated. 

Governors pecuniary and business interest information is held in school and is available on request.

Chair of Governors, Simon Bridges

Our Chair of Governors, Simon Bridges, joined Gleadless Governing Body as a Co-opted Governor in September 2021. He became Chair of Governors in December 2022. Simon's two children have recently attended Gleadless Primary School. 

Simon is available to speak with by appointment.

If you would like to contact Simon, please do so through the school office, by ringing 0114 239 9705. Written correspondence can be sent to him via school email or in writing Simon Bridges (Chair of Governors), Gleadless Primary School, Hollinsend Road, Sheffield, S12 2EJ.

Vice Chair of Governors, Sue Palfreyman

Sue joined our Governors in November 2021, and became our Vice Chair in December 2022. She is a Co-opted Governor. Sue chairs our Teaching, Learning and Attainment Committee and has responsibility for the Curriculum. 

Sue is an experienced Governor who has worked as a co-opted governor with other South Yorkshire schools prior to joining Gleadless Governing Body.  

Safeguarding Governor, Nicholas Godfrey

Nick joined our Governors in November 2021, and became our Safeguarding Governor in January 2023. He is a Co-opted Governor.

I am from Sheffield and have worked in education for 20 years, first as a primary school teacher, then in school leadership in Inner London. I finished my teaching career in 2019 and have worked in the charity and education sectors in various roles since. I am passionate about school improvement and am able to bring my range of experience to the role of school governor. I moved back to Sheffield in 2019 and am enjoying being closer to my family and exploring all the changes and developments Sheffield has undergone since I last lived in our fantastic city.

Co-opted Governor, Oana Woodall

Oana joined our Governors as a Co-opted Governor in January 2022, and is Chair of our Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee. She is is a Co-opted Governor.

Oana became a governor as she is very passionate about access to education, diversity and representation, arts and culture and the major impact childhood education can make. She has been working in higher education for the past 6 years and has experience in staff training, project management, events planning and impact monitoring. Oana is keen to help out in any way she can and is looking forward to working with fellow governors to support the school in doing what’s best for the children.

Parent Governor, Fiona Herrick

Fiona joined our Governors as a Parent Governor in May 2021. Her Governor responsibility gives her oversight of SEND and Behaviour. 

Staff Governor, Laura Tinkham

Laura became Staff Governor in July 2023. She joined Gleadless as a newly qualified teacher in September 2020 and teaches in Year Six. 

Associate Governor, Megan Holloway (Headteacher)

Megan became Headteacher at Gleadless Primary School in January 2024 and attends Governors meetings as an Associate. 

Associate Governor, Trevor Hardy (Deputy Headteacher)

Trevor became Deputy Headteacher at Gleadless Primary School in January 2024 and attends Governors meetings as an Associate

Associate Governor, Fran Palfreyman (Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion)

Fran joined Gleadless as SENCO in May 2020. She became Assistant Headteacher in September 2021 and attends Governors meetings as an Associate. 

Associate Governor, Lewis Frost (School Manager)

Lewis joined Gleadless as School Manager in April 2023 and attends the Finance, Personnel and Premises meetings as an Associate.