Gleadless Primary School

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Hollinsend Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12 2EJ

0114 239 6130

Gleadless Primary School

We are Determined, We are a Team, We are Respectful, We have Self Belief, We Care, We Have a Voice.



What are School Governors?

A school's Governing Body is made up of a group people who have a passion for education and feel a strong commitment to the communities and children they serve. Their role is to see that pupils receive the very best education they can.  A Governing Body is representative of the school's staff, parents, local authority and others who provide the skills the Governing Body needs to carry out its functions.  They work as a collective group to meet three statutory requirements:

  • to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • to hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • to oversee financial performance and to ensure money is well spent.

Gleadless Governing Body

The Governing Body work with the school leadership to assist in ongoing improvement.  At Gleadless, our Governing Body is responsible for the overall strategic management of our school, both financially and academically.  We monitor progress towards targets set, contribute to robust planning for school improvement and take part in evaluating and monitoring progress towards our school priorities identified in the school improvement plan. 

Our Governing Body is made up of 

  • Chair of Governors
  • Two parent Governors
  • Headteacher
  • Staff Governor
  • Three co-opted Governors

At Gleadless, we can have up to seven co-opted governors. A governor’s term of office is 4 years. 

The Governing Body carries out its work under a system of committees and full meetings.  Our committees consist of:

  • Strategic Committee
  • Teaching, Learning and Attainment Committee
  • Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee

All governors are invited to attend all full meetings and must serve on at least one of the committees.  In addition governors attend additional meetings and training as required and come into school to represent the Governing Body at formal monitoring and events.

Zoe Dobbins is our Clerk to the Governing Body.

If you are interested in knowing more about school governance, then please contact the Chair of Governors through our school office.

Currently, our Governors are:

  • Sue Palfreyman - Chair of Governors  (Co-opted)/ Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee 
  • Simon Bridges - Vice Chair of Governors (Co-opted)
  • Oana Ciobanasu - Governor (Co-opted/Chair of Finance, Premises & Personnel Committee)
  • Fiona Herrick - Parent Governor
  • Louise McGrath - Parent Governor 
  • Nicolas Godfrey - Governor (Co-opted/Safeguarding Governor)
  • Laura Tinkham - Staff Governor
  • Megan Holloway - Headteacher 

Governors hold important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. Governing bodies are required to publish the following information to help with this transparency.  A full register of personal and business interests are held in school. 

Governor Attendance 2019- 2020 / 2020-2021

Please click the link below to download the governors attendance at meetings document.

Government attendance document


Governor Register of Pecuniary Interests

Please click the link below to download the governors register of pecuniary interests document.

Governors Register of Pecuniary Interests