Gleadless Primary School

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Hollinsend Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S12 2EJ

0114 239 6130

Gleadless Primary School

We are Determined, We are a Team, We are Respectful, We have Self Belief, We Care, We Have a Voice.

SEND and Inclusion

Gleadless Primary School is a maintream setting. At Gleadless, we have an inclusive approach and have developed a range of support to ensure your child’s needs are met. Colleagues are trained to deliver in-class quality first teaching, offer specific targeted intervention or refer and work with external agencies to access specific specialist support such as speech and language therapy. We work closer with outside agencies, such as the Autism Team, Educational Psychology and Fusion SEND Hub, to ensure our pupils are accessing the best provision in school. Provision for pupils with SEND and the leadership of SEND have been identified as strengths of our school by Ofsted and in external reviews. 

Your child’s class teacher is your first point of contact if you wish to talk about your child’s needs and the teacher will refer parents and carers to the SENCo as necessary. Working in partnership to meet your child’s needs is important so do talk to staff if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help! 

If you have any questions, please contact our SENCo and Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion, Fran Palfreyman, on 0114 239 6130 or email


Alternative and Hub Provision

We have been developing our Orchard and Clover Hubs to support children’s social, emotional and communication needs, and offer holistic and therapeutic care and education. This provision is delivered by our pastoral team and overseen by our SENCO, learning mentors and multi agency and specialist colleagues. Our support staff are also deployed in class and with small groups to address specific areas of need.

We work closely with alternative provisions to provide additional support for our pupils, under the guidance of the Progressions Team. This includes sites such as Onboard, Hugi Hub, and Heeley City Farm. 

Local Offer

Overview Provision Map